When you know exactly what you want for your senior portrait session. Let's do it!

Nick knew exactly what he wanted to do for his high school senior session. He enjoys outdoor sports including hiking and skiing. He knew he wanted his location to be the top of a mountain. Yes, the top of a mountain. So we made that happen.
What sets Nick apart is his passion and talent for writing, producing and performing rap music. As a high school senior he has already opened for headliners!!!
This is one heck of a talented young man. Athlete, yes. Absolutely. And we made sure to highlight that later in the session. What sets Nick apart is his passion and talent for writing, producing and performing rap music. As a high school senior he has already opened for headliners!!! He is planning to study music business in college so that he can position himself well to work in the rap industry. I mean to have that level of clarity of direction combined with talent!!! Werk!
This was truly a dream session, for several reasons. First, I was really glad Nick knew he could tell me what elements he wanted to include in his session....all of them.....and that I would receive him well. I've photographed his family previously, so we had a rapport. It's a legit compliment to me when young people feel comfortable to tell me their vision. It can take courage to share your dreams. I was touched that Nick knew I would honor them.
When I grabbed the first few shots and showed Nick the back of the camera, "YES!!!" he exclaimed. We nailed it!!!
Nick brought his whole performing set up to the session! I'd already scouted the location and found this fantastic rough table top. Nick went right to it and set up, even placing his Nike high tops exactly where he wanted them. I'd been thinking about this session for a bit and had my own ideas in mind for how to make this part of Nick's personhood shine. Out came my trusty fish eye lense. I knew it would provide a slight distortion as well as capture the vastness of the surroundings and sky. When I grabbed the first few shots and showed Nick the back of the camera, "YES!!!" he exclaimed. We nailed it!!!
I say "we" for a reason. Nick brought all of himself to this session. He'd planned and loaded equipment. He'd shared openly with me his love of rap. I took all that and ran with it. Collaboration at it's best.
That's not all folks
Nick said he wanted to be on the top of a mountain. He also said he wanted sunset. I'm tellin' ya, he knew what he wanted. Making it happen took planning, but watching it all unfold was a blast!

Then, of course, there's Nick's love of hockey
We couldn't leave out this important piece of who Nick is. Loads of young people in New England love ice hockey, and many even want to incorporate hockey in their senior session. For Nick, we needed to take it next level. No standard stuff here. Nick knew what he wanted his wardrobe change to be, and it wasn't a standard hockey jersey. Nuh uh. It was Nick's style. I took a high vantage point so that my angle was looking down to give a different perspective, and Nick rocked a few out-of-the-box poses.

I love getting to highlight this senior session with Nick. I love sharing his talent and skill and insight and bravery. I also love getting to show other high school seniors how much versatility we can have with a session. How collaboration creates magic. How we can go beyond the standards and create the perfect session for you. Thanks for bringin' the special sauce Nick!