Pat and I met Drew (glasses) at a Farmer's Market one weekend. Super gregarious, Drew explained to us how he opened his homemade soup business during the pandemic. You read that right....DURING the pandemic. When the world shut down, Drew realized people needed access to tasty, homemade, healthy food. So he collected recipes, got access to a professional kitchen and Drew's Stews was born! (Tag line = "Peace, Love and Great Soup")
We were so impressed with Drew's entrepreneurial spirit! We applauded his vision and drive. And we got ta talkin'. Drew showed us a picture of his beautiful family and told us how, with him working all the time and selling at farmer's markets, the only way to spend time with his kiddos on the weekends was for them to come visit him while fact, they should be here any minute!
It was coming up on Christmas and Drew had been struggling for a special gift for his husband. A family photo session would be the perfect gift!!!!
As we kept chatting, I shared my appreciation for Drew's entrepreneurial spirit, due to my running my photography business. Drew got excited! It was coming up on Christmas and he had been struggling for a special gift for his husband. A family photo session would be the perfect gift!!!!
We connected on IG and made plans to get a Gift Certificate to Drew in time to wrap for the holidays.
I did meet Drew's beautiful family briefly that day. In fact, I got to see them a few times because Pat and I became regulars at Drew's table at the farmer's market. He has so many different varieties, and they're all so darn good, that we went back every week!!!!!
It took almost a year for Drew to have time available for us to get together for their session. His business took off like wildfire!!!! He now has a store front and offers weekly home delivery. Such an amazing feel good story. And such a fantastic family.
It's amazing to me the many different ways we find people with whom we resonate. Who would have thought that visiting an open air farmer's market during a pandemic would lead to meeting someone I admire and enjoy, and got to photograph with his gorgeous family.
True story.....during our photo session I asked Jeremiah how he and Drew met. They both used to sing in the Boston Gay Men's Chorus. No kidding!!!! I sing too, and used to perform with Boston Women's Rainbow Chorus where we often had collaborations with BGMC. It's possible we sang with each other! Small world indeed.
Now that you've met the whole family, ya gotta check out Drew's Stews. And follow him on IG @drewsstews. You'll find he's pun-y and clevah. Remy and Audrey make periodic cameo appearances. His soups are outstanding. And he's partnered with a bunch of other local businesses to enhance your delivered food options including sides and hot sauces and breads. Plus you'll support a fantastic gay-owned business that is doing great things for their community. Besides, "Hot Soup is Cool".
[I am not an affiliate sales person. I like to support good people with big hearts who offer great products.]
#drewsstews #hotsoupiscool #peaceloveandgreatsoup #gayfamilyportraits #gayfamilies #gayfamilyvisibility #bgmc #gayownedbusiness #lgbtq+family